Convert online and free MOBI to EPUB

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  2. Choose target filetype
  3. Download file!
convert .mobi to .epub
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Since Mobipocket SA is a French subsidiary of Amazon, most of the eBooks purchased on Amazon are sold in a .mobi file. This is certainly an advantage for Kindle owners and most other eBook readers are also compatible with this file type, but this format is now out of fashion. This is due, among other things, to a number of disadvantages compared to the widened .epub file. EBooks with a .mobi extension, for example, cannot display complex tables or images with text scaled and are therefore less practical outside of the Kindle family. The .epub format, which adapts to any screen and can also incorporate more complex media, such as videos, is far more user-friendly. In addition, this file type is also constantly being developed, which enables more and more functions. You can find a number of programs that offer the ability to convert mobi to epub for free. One of the most popular and well-known is Caliber, which is offered as freeware for download on the Internet. This allows a wide variety of formats to be converted. However, online conversion is preferable in many cases: Very few of them are constantly dependent on a converter, as it is usually one or a few files that have to be converted. Downloading and installing a program for this purpose and then keeping it unnecessarily on the hard drive is not only a waste of time, but also space. Another point is familiarization with a previously unknown program: Caliber offers many options and separate settings, but these are confusing and of no importance to the layman. More time may then be invested to penetrate and understand this program, and ultimately use it maybe once or twice a month or less. It is much easier and less complicated to convert .mobi to .epub files via online conversion. The use is self-explanatory, very simple and also more time-saving. Here, too, you don't have to pay anything, just upload the desired file and select epub as the output format. The rest is done by The only thing left to do is download the converted file. All in all, converting online is especially, but not exclusively, tremendous for casual use and is highly recommended.

8.3/10(6 votes)

Guide: Convert MOBI to EPUB online

How to convert MOBI files online to EPUB
  1. Choose input MOBI file
  2. Check target filetype and change if required (EPUB)
  3. Hit the "Start Converting!" Button
  4. That's it! Your download will start automatically on the following page

Currently we support the following conversions with MOBI files:

All Converters

Video-Tutorial: MOBI to EPUB is a service for converting files online from one type to another. We take care of your privacy and take care of your files. As a part of this, there's no registration required on As we're offering our service in a browser, it does'nt matter whether you use Windows, Apple OS X or Linux. Your conversion results will always be at the same, very high quality and of course, without watermarks.

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